Vocabulary : Lollardy to Lomatinous
Lollardy : The doctrines or principles of the Lollards.
Lolled : of Loll
Loller : One who lolls. ;; An idle vagabond. ;; A Lollard.
Lolling : of Loll
Lollingly : In a lolling manner.
Lollipop : A kind of sugar confection which dissolves easily in the mouth.
Lollop : To move heavily; to lounge or idle; to loll.
Loma : A lobe; a membranous fringe or flap.
Lomata : of Loma
Lomatinous : Furnished with lobes or flaps.
: Lombard, Lombardeer, Lombard-house, Lombardic, Lombar-house, Loment, Lomentaceous, Lomonite, Lompish, Lond
: Loitering, Loiteringly, Lok, Loke, Loki, Lokorys, Loligo, Loll, Lollard, Lollardism
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary