Vocabulary : Longshore to Long-stop
Longshore : Belonging to the seashore or a seaport; along and on the shore.
Longshoreman : One of a class of laborers employed about the wharves of a seaport, especially in loading and unloading vessels.
Longshoremen : of Longshoreman
Long-sight : Long-sightedness.
Long-sighted : Able to see objects at a great distance; hence, having great foresight; sagacious; farseeing. ;; Able to see objects distinctly at a distance, but not close at hand; hypermetropic.
Long-sightedness : The state or condition of being long-sighted; hence, sagacity; shrewdness. ;; See Hypermetropia.
Longsome : Extended in length; tiresome.
Longspun : Spun out, or extended, to great length; hence, long-winded; tedious.
Longspur : Any one of several species of fringilline birds of the genus Calcarius (or Plectrophanes), and allied genera. The Lapland longspur (C. Lapponicus), the chestnut-colored longspur (C. ornatus), and other species, inhabit the United States.
Long-stop : One who is set to stop balls which pass the wicket keeper.
: Long-sufferance, Long-suffering, Longtail, Long-tongue, Long-tongued, Longulite, Long-waisted, Longways, Long-winded, Longwise
: Longitude, Longitudinal, Longitudinally, Longlegs, Long-lived, Longly, Longmynd rocks, Longness, Longnose, Longshanks
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary