Vocabulary : Long-sufferance to Longwise
Long-sufferance : Forbearance to punish or resent.
Long-suffering : Bearing injuries or provocation for a long time; patient; not easily provoked. ;; Long patience of offense.
Longtail : An animal, particularly a log, having an uncut tail. Cf. Curtail. Dog.
Long-tongue : The wryneck.
Long-tongued : Having a long tongue. ;; Talkative; babbling; loquacious.
Longulite : A kind of crystallite having a (slender) acicular form.
Long-waisted : Having a long waist; long from the armpits to the armpits to the bottom of the waist; -- said of persons. ;; Long from the part about the neck or shoulder, or from the armpits, to the bottom of the weist, or to the skirt; -- said of garments; as, a long-waisted coat.
Longways : Lengthwise.
Long-winded : Long-breathed; hence, tediously long in speaking; consuming much time; as, a long-winded talker.
Longwise : Lengthwise.
: Lonis quatorze, Loo, Loob, Loobies, Loobily, Looby, Looch, Looed, Loof, Looing
: Longshore, Longshoreman, Longshoremen, Long-sight, Long-sighted, Long-sightedness, Longsome, Longspun, Longspur, Long-stop
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary