Vocabulary : Loricate to Loriot
Loricate : To cover with some protecting substance, as with lute, a crust, coating, or plates. ;; Covered with a shell or exterior made of plates somewhat like a coat of mail, as in the armadillo. ;; An animal covered with bony scales, as crocodiles among reptiles, and the pangolins among mammals.
Loricated : of Loricate
Loricating : of Loricate
Lorication : The act of loricating; the protecting substance put on; a covering of scales or plates.
Lories : of Lory
Lorikeet : Any one numerous species of small brush-tongued parrots or lories, found mostly in Australia, New Guinea and the adjacent islands, with some forms in the East Indies. They are arboreal in their habits and feed largely upon the honey of flowers. They belong to Trichoglossus, Loriculus, and several allied genera.
Lorimer : Alt. of Loriner
Loriner : A maker of bits, spurs, and metal mounting for bridles and saddles; hence, a saddler.
Loring : Instructive discourse.
Loriot : The golden oriole of Europe. See Oriole.
: Loris, Lorn, Lorrie, Lorries, Lorry, Lory, Los, Losable, Losange, Lose
: Loresman, Loreto, Lorette, Lorettine, Loretto, Lorgnette, Lori, Lorica, Loricae, Loricata
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary