Vocabulary : Loris to Lose
Loris : Any one of several species of small lemurs of the genus Stenops. They have long, slender limbs and large eyes, and are arboreal in their habits. The slender loris (S. gracilis), of Ceylon, in one of the best known species.
Lorn : Lost; undone; ruined. ;; Forsaken; abandoned; solitary; bereft; as, a lone, lorn woman.
Lorrie : Alt. of Lorry
Lorries : of Lorry
Lorry : A small cart or wagon, as those used on the tramways in mines to carry coal or rubbish; also, a barrow or truck for shifting baggage, as at railway stations.
Lory : Any one of many species of small parrots of the family Trichoglossidae, generally having the tongue papillose at the tip, and the mandibles straighter and less toothed than in common parrots. They are found in the East Indies, Australia, New Guinea, and the adjacent islands. They feed mostly on soft fruits and on the honey of flowers.
Los : Praise. See Loos.
Losable : Such as can be lost.
Losange : See Lozenge.
Lose : To part with unintentionally or unwillingly, as by accident, misfortune, negligence, penalty, forfeit, etc.; to be deprived of; as, to lose money from one's purse or pocket, or in business or gaming; to lose an arm or a leg by amputation; to lose men in battle. ;; To cease to have; to possess no longer; to suffer diminution of; as, to lose one's relish for anything; to lose one's health. ;; Not to employ; to employ ineffectually; to throw away; to waste; to squander; as, to lose a day; to lose the benefits of instruction. ;; To wander from; to miss, so as not to be able to and; to go astray from; as, to lose one's way. ;; To ruin; to destroy; as destroy; as, the ship was lost on the ledge. ;; To be deprived of the view of; to cease to see or know the whereabouts of; as, he lost his companion in the crowd. ;; To fail to obtain or enjoy; to fail to gain or win; hence, to fail to catch with the mind or senses; to miss; as, I lost a part of what he said. ;; To cause to part with; to deprive of. ;; To prevent from
: Losel, Losenger, Losengerie, Loser, Losing, Losingly, Loss, Lossful, Lossless, Lost
: Loricate, Loricated, Loricating, Lorication, Lories, Lorikeet, Lorimer, Loriner, Loring, Loriot
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary