Vocabulary : Lubric to Lubrifaction
Lubric : Alt. of Lubrical
Lubrical : Having a smooth surface; slippery. ;; Lascivious; wanton; lewd.
Lubricant : Lubricating. ;; That which lubricates; specifically, a substance, as oil, grease, plumbago, etc., used for reducing the friction of the working parts of machinery.
Lubricate : To make smooth or slippery; as, mucilaginous and saponaceous remedies lubricate the parts to which they are applied. ;; To apply a lubricant to, as oil or tallow.
Lubrication : The act of lubricating; the act of making slippery.
Lubricator : One who, or that which, lubricates. ;; A contrivance, as an oil cup, for supplying a lubricant to machinery.
Lubricitate : See Lubricate.
Lubricity : Smoothness; freedom from friction; also, property, which diminishes friction; as, the lubricity of oil. ;; Slipperiness; instability; as, the lubricity of fortune. ;; Lasciviousness; propensity to lewdness; lewdness; lechery; incontinency.
Lubricous : Lubric.
Lubrifaction : The act of lubricating, or making smooth.
: Lubrification, Lucarne, Lucchese, Luce, Lucency, Lucent, Lucern, Lucernal, Lucernaria, Lucernarian
: Loyalness, Loyalty, Lozenge, Lozenged, Lozenge-shaped, Lozengy, Lu, Lubbard, Lubber, Lubberly
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary