Vocabulary : Lubrification to Lucernarian
Lubrification : Alt. of Lubrifaction
Lucarne : A dormer window.
Lucchese : A native or inhabitant of Lucca, in Tuscany; in the plural, the people of Lucca.
Luce : A pike when full grown.
Lucency : The quality of being lucent.
Lucent : Shining; bright; resplendent.
Lucern : A sort of hunting dog; -- perhaps from Lucerne, in Switzerland. ;; An animal whose fur was formerly much in request (by some supposed to be the lynx). ;; A leguminous plant (Medicago sativa), having bluish purple cloverlike flowers, cultivated for fodder; -- called also alfalfa. ;; A lamp.
Lucernal : Of or pertaining to a lamp.
Lucernaria : A genus of acalephs, having a bell-shaped body with eight groups of short tentacles around the margin. It attaches itself by a sucker at the base of the pedicel.
Lucernarian : Of or pertaining to the Lucernarida. ;; One of the Lucernarida.
: lucernarida, Lucerne, Lucid, Lucidity, Lucidly, Lucidness, Lucifer, Luciferian, Luciferous, Luciferously
: Lubric, Lubrical, Lubricant, Lubricate, Lubrication, Lubricator, Lubricitate, Lubricity, Lubricous, Lubrifaction
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary