Vocabulary : Lucific to Lucky proach
Lucific : Producing light.
Luciform : Having, in some respects, the nature of light; resembling light.
Lucifrian : Luciferian; satanic.
Lucimeter : an instrument for measuring the intensity of light; a photometer.
Luck : That which happens to a person; an event, good or ill, affecting one's interests or happiness, and which is deemed casual; a course or series of such events regarded as occurring by chance; chance; hap; fate; fortune; often, one's habitual or characteristic fortune; as, good, bad, ill, or hard luck. Luck is often used for good luck; as, luck is better than skill.
Luckily : In a lucky manner; by good fortune; fortunately; -- used in a good sense; as, they luckily escaped injury.
Luckiness : The state or quality of being lucky; as, the luckiness of a man or of an event. ;; Good fortune; favorable issue or event.
Luckless : Being without luck; unpropitious; unfortunate; unlucky; meeting with ill success or bad fortune; as, a luckless gamester; a luckless maid.
Lucky : Favored by luck; fortunate; meeting with good success or good fortune; -- said of persons; as, a lucky adventurer. ;; Producing, or resulting in, good by chance, or unexpectedly; favorable; auspicious; fortunate; as, a lucky mistake; a lucky cast; a lucky hour.
Lucky proach : See Fatherlasher.
: Lucrative, Lucratively, Lucre, Lucriferous, Lucrific, Luctation, Luctual, Lucubrate, Lucubrated, Lucubration
: lucernarida, Lucerne, Lucid, Lucidity, Lucidly, Lucidness, Lucifer, Luciferian, Luciferous, Luciferously
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary