Vocabulary : Lucrative to Lucubration
Lucrative : Yielding lucre; gainful; profitable; making increase of money or goods; as, a lucrative business or office. ;; Greedy of gain.
Lucratively : In a lucrative manner.
Lucre : Gain in money or goods; profit; riches; -- often in an ill sense.
Lucriferous : Gainful; profitable.
Lucrific : Producing profit; gainful.
Luctation : Effort to overcome in contest; struggle; endeavor.
Luctual : Producing grief; saddening.
Lucubrate : To study by candlelight or a lamp; to study by night. ;; To elaborate, perfect, or compose, by night study or by laborious endeavor.
Lucubrated : of Lucubrate ;; of Lucubrate
Lucubration : The act of lucubrating, or studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation. ;; That which is composed by night; that which is produced by meditation in retirement; hence (loosely) any literary composition.
: Lucubrator, Lucubratory, Lucule, Luculent, Luculently, Lucullite, Lucuma, Luddite, Ludibrious, Ludibund
: Lucific, Luciform, Lucifrian, Lucimeter, Luck, Luckily, Luckiness, Luckless, Lucky, Lucky proach
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary