Vocabulary : Lucubrator to Ludibund
Lucubrator : One who studies by night; also, one who produces lucubrations.
Lucubratory : Composed by candlelight, or by night; of or pertaining to night studies; laborious or painstaking.
Lucule : A spot or fleck on the sun brighter than the surrounding surface.
Luculent : Lucid; clear; transparent. ;; Clear; evident; luminous. ;; Bright; shining in beauty.
Luculently : In a luculent manner; clearly.
Lucullite : A variety of black limestone, often polished for ornamental purposes.
Lucuma : An American genus of sapotaceous trees bearing sweet and edible fruits.
Luddite : One of a number of riotous persons in England, who for six years (1811-17) tried to prevent the use of labor-saving machinery by breaking it, burning factories, etc.; -- so called from Ned Lud, a half-witted man who some years previously had broken stocking frames.
Ludibrious : Sportive; ridiculous; wanton.
Ludibund : Sportive.
: Ludicrous, Ludification, Ludificatory, Ludlamite, Ludlow group, Ludwigite, Lues, Luff, Luffa, Luffed
: Lucrative, Lucratively, Lucre, Lucriferous, Lucrific, Luctation, Luctual, Lucubrate, Lucubrated, Lucubration
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary