Vocabulary : Luted to Lutescent
Luted : of Lute
Luteic : Pertaining to, or derived from, weld (Reseda luteola). ;; Pertaining to, or designating, an acid resembling luteolin, but obtained from the flowers of Euphorbia cyparissias.
Lutein : A substance of a strongly marked yellow color, extracted from the yelk of eggs, and from the tissue of the corpus luteum.
Lutenist : Same as Lutanist.
Luteo- : A combining form signifying orange yellow or brownish yellow.
Luteocobaltic : Pertaining to, or designating, certain compounds of cobalt having a yellow color. Cf. Cobaltic.
Luteolin : A yellow dyestuff obtained from the foliage of the dyer's broom (Reseda luteola).
Luteous : Yellowish; more or less like buff.
Luter : One who plays on a lute. ;; One who applies lute.
Lutescent : Of a yellowish color.
: Lutestring, Luth, Lutheran, Lutheranism, Lutherism, Luthern, Lutidine, Luting, Lutist, Lutose
: Lustrums, Lustwort, Lusty, Lusus naturae, Lutanist, Lutarious, Lutation, Lute, Lute-backed, Lutecium
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary