Vocabulary : Lutestring to Lutose
Lutestring : A plain, stout, lustrous silk, used for ladies' dresses and for ribbon.
Luth : The leatherback.
Lutheran : Of or pertaining to Luther; adhering to the doctrines of Luther or the Lutheran Church. ;; One who accepts or adheres to the doctrines of Luther or the Lutheran Church.
Lutheranism : Alt. of Lutherism
Lutherism : The doctrines taught by Luther or held by the Lutheran Church.
Luthern : A dormer window. See Dormer.
Lutidine : Any one of several metameric alkaloids, C5H3N.(CH3)2, of the pyridine series, obtained from bone oil as liquids, and having peculiar pungent odors. These alkaloids are also called respectively dimethyl pyridine, ethyl pyridine, etc.
Luting : of Lute ;; See Lute, a cement.
Lutist : One who plays on a lute.
Lutose : Covered with clay; miry.
: Lutulence, Lutulent, Luwack, Lux, Luxate, Luxated, Luxating, Luxation, Luxe, Luxive
: Luted, Luteic, Lutein, Lutenist, Luteo-, Luteocobaltic, Luteolin, Luteous, Luter, Lutescent
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary