Vocabulary : Lutulence to Luxive
Lutulence : The state or quality of being lutulent.
Lutulent : Muddy; turbid; thick.
Luwack : See Paradoxure.
Lux : To put out of joint; to luxate.
Luxate : Luxated. ;; To displace, or remove from its proper place, as a joint; to put out of joint; to dislocate.
Luxated : of Luxate
Luxating : of Luxate
Luxation : The act of luxating, or the state of being luxated; a dislocation.
Luxe : Luxury.
Luxive : Given to luxury; voluptuous.
: Luxullianite, Luxuriance, Luxuriancy, Luxuriant, Luxuriantly, Luxuriate, Luxuriated, Luxuriating, Luxuriation, Luxuries
: Lutestring, Luth, Lutheran, Lutheranism, Lutherism, Luthern, Lutidine, Luting, Lutist, Lutose
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary