Vocabulary : Madness to Madreporian

Madness : The condition of being mad; insanity; lunacy. ;; Frenzy; ungovernable rage; extreme folly.
Madonna : My lady; -- a term of address in Italian formerly used as the equivalent of Madame, but for which Signora is now substituted. Sometimes introduced into English. ;; A picture of the Virgin Mary (usually with the babe).
Madoqua : A small Abyssinian antelope (Neotragus Saltiana), about the size of a hare.
Madrague : A large fish pound used for the capture of the tunny in the Mediterranean; also applied to the seines used for the same purpose.
Madras : A large silk-and-cotton kerchief, usually of bright colors, such as those often used for turbans.
Madreperl : Mother-of-pearl.
Madrepora : A genus of reef corals abundant in tropical seas. It includes than one hundred and fifty species, most of which are elegantly branched.
Madreporaria : An extensive division of Anthozoa, including most of the species that produce stony corals. See Illust. of Anthozoa.
Madrepore : Any coral of the genus Madrepora; formerly, often applied to any stony coral.
Madreporian : Alt. of Madreporic
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