Vocabulary : Madreporic to Madwort

Madreporic : Resembling, or pertaining to, the genus Madrepora.
Madreporiform : Resembling a madreporian coral in form or structure.
Madreporite : A fossil coral. ;; The madreporic plate of echinoderms.
Madrier : A thick plank, used for several mechanical purposes ;; A plank to receive the mouth of a petard, with which it is applied to anything intended to be broken down. ;; A plank or beam used for supporting the earth in mines or fortifications.
Madrigal : A little amorous poem, sometimes called a pastoral poem, containing some tender and delicate, though simple, thought. ;; An unaccompanied polyphonic song, in four, five, or more parts, set to secular words, but full of counterpoint and imitation, and adhering to the old church modes. Unlike the freer glee, it is best sung with several voices on a part. See Glee.
Madrigaler : A madrigalist.
Madrigalist : A composer of madrigals.
Madrilenian : Of or pertaining to Madrid in Spain, or to its inhabitants. ;; A native or inhabitant of Madrid.
Madrina : An animal (usually an old mare), wearing a bell and acting as the leader of a troop of pack mules.
Madwort : A genus of cruciferous plants (Alyssum) with white or yellow flowers and rounded pods. A. maritimum is the commonly cultivated sweet alyssum, a fragrant white-flowered annual.
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