Vocabulary : Mafia to Magdala

Mafia : A secret society which organized in Sicily as a political organization, but is now widespread among Italians, and is used to further or protect private interests, reputedly by illegal methods.
Mafioso : A member of the maffia.
Magazine : A receptacle in which anything is stored, especially military stores, as ammunition, arms, provisions, etc. ;; The building or room in which the supply of powder is kept in a fortification or a ship. ;; A chamber in a gun for holding a number of cartridges to be fed automatically to the piece. ;; A pamphlet published periodically containing miscellaneous papers or compositions. ;; To store in, or as in, a magazine; to store up for use. ;; A country or district especially rich in natural products. ;; A city viewed as a marketing center. ;; A reservoir or supply chamber for a stove, battery, camera, typesetting machine, or other apparatus. ;; A store, or shop, where goods are kept for sale.
Magazine camera : A camera in which a number of plates can be exposed without reloading.
Magazined : of Magazine
Magaziner : One who edits or writes for a magazine.
Magazining : of Magazine ;; The act of editing, or writing for, a magazine.
Magazinist : One who edits or writes for a magazine.
Magbote : Compensation for the injury done by slaying a kinsman. ;; See Maegbote.
Magdala : Designating an orange-red dyestuff obtained from naphthylamine, and called magdala red, naphthalene red, etc.
Next : Magdalen, Magdaleon, Magdeburg, Mage, Magellanic, Magenta, Magged, Maggiore, Maggot, Maggotiness
Previous : Maegbote, Maelstrom, Maenad, Maestoso, Maestricht monitor, Maestro, Maffia, Maffioso, Maffle, Maffler
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