Vocabulary : Magdalen to Maggotiness
Magdalen : A reformed prostitute.
Magdaleon : A medicine in the form of a roll, a esp. a roll of plaster.
Magdeburg : A city of Saxony.
Mage : A magician.
Magellanic : Of or pertaining to, or named from, Magellan, the navigator.
Magenta : An aniline dye obtained as an amorphous substance having a green bronze surface color, which dissolves to a shade of red; also, the color; -- so called from Magenta, in Italy, in allusion to the battle fought there about the time the dye was discovered. Called also fuchsine, roseine, etc.
Magged : Worn; fretted; as, a magged brace.
Maggiore : Greater, in respect to scales, intervals, etc., when used in opposition to minor; major.
Maggot : The footless larva of any fly. See Larval. ;; A whim; an odd fancy.
Maggotiness : State of being maggoty.
: Maggotish, Maggot-pie, Maggoty, Maghet, Magi, Magian, Magic, Magical, Magically, Magician
: Mafia, Mafioso, Magazine, Magazine camera, Magazined, Magaziner, Magazining, Magazinist, Magbote, Magdala
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary