Vocabulary : Magnified to Magnoliaceous
Magnified : of Magnify
Magnifier : One who, or that which, magnifies.
Magnify : To make great, or greater; to increase the dimensions of; to amplify; to enlarge, either in fact or in appearance; as, the microscope magnifies the object by a thousand diameters. ;; To increase the importance of; to augment the esteem or respect in which one is held. ;; To praise highly; to land; to extol. ;; To exaggerate; as, to magnify a loss or a difficulty. ;; To have the power of causing objects to appear larger than they really are; to increase the apparent dimensions of objects; as, some lenses magnify but little. ;; To have effect; to be of importance or significance.
Magnifying : of Magnify
Magniloquence : The quality of being magniloquent; pompous discourse; grandiloquence.
Magniloquent : Speaking pompously; using swelling discourse; bombastic; tumid in style; grandiloquent.
Magniloquous : Magniloquent.
Magnitude : Extent of dimensions; size; -- applied to things that have length, breath, and thickness. ;; That which has one or more of the three dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness. ;; Anything of which greater or less can be predicated, as time, weight, force, and the like. ;; Greatness; grandeur. ;; Greatness, in reference to influence or effect; importance; as, an affair of magnitude.
Magnolia : A genus of American and Asiatic trees, with aromatic bark and large sweet-scented whitish or reddish flowers.
Magnoliaceous : Pertaining to a natural order (Magnoliaceae) of trees of which the magnolia, the tulip tree, and the star anise are examples.
: Magnum, Magot, Magot-pie, Magpie, Maguari, Maguey, Magyar, Maha, Mahabarata, Mahabharatam
: Magnific, Magnifical, Magnificat, Magnificate, Magnification, Magnificence, Magnificent, Magnificently, Magnifico, Magnificoes
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary