Vocabulary : Magnum to Mahabharatam

Magnum : A large wine bottle. ;; A bone of the carpus at the base of the third metacarpal bone.
Magot : The Barbary ape.
Magot-pie : A magpie.
Magpie : Any one of numerous species of the genus Pica and related genera, allied to the jays, but having a long graduated tail.
Maguari : A South American stork (Euxenara maguari), having a forked tail.
Maguey : The century plant, a species of Agave (A. Americana). See Agave.
Magyar : One of the dominant people of Hungary, allied to the Finns; a Hungarian. ;; The language of the Magyars.
Maha : A kind of baboon; the wanderoo.
Mahabarata : Alt. of Mahabharatam
Mahabharatam : A celebrated epic poem of the Hindoos. It is of great length, and is chiefly devoted to the history of a civil war between two dynasties of ancient India.
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