Vocabulary : Mangoes to Mangue
Mangoes : of Mango
Mangoldwurzel : See Mangel-wurzel.
Mangonel : A military engine formerly used for throwing stones and javelins.
Mangonism : The art of mangonizing, or setting off to advantage.
Mangonist : One who mangonizes. ;; A slave dealer; also, a strumpet.
Mangonize : To furbish up for sale; to set off to advantage.
Mangostan : A tree of the East Indies of the genus Garcinia (G. Mangostana). The tree grows to the height of eighteen feet, and bears fruit also called mangosteen, of the size of a small apple, the pulp of which is very delicious food.
Mangosteen : Alt. of Mangostan
Mangrove : The name of one or two trees of the genus Rhizophora (R. Mangle, and R. mucronata, the last doubtfully distinct) inhabiting muddy shores of tropical regions, where they spread by emitting aerial roots, which fasten in the saline mire and eventually become new stems. The seeds also send down a strong root while yet attached to the parent plant. ;; The mango fish.
Mangue : The kusimanse.
: Mangy, Manhaden, Manhandle, Manhead, Manhes process, Manhole, Manhood, Mania, Maniable, Maniac
: Mange, Mangel-wurzel, Manger, Mangily, Manginess, Mangle, Mangled, Mangler, Mangling, Mango
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary