Vocabulary : Mangy to Maniac

Mangy : Infected with the mange; scabby.
Manhaden : See Menhaden.
Manhandle : To move, or manage, by human force without mechanical aid; as, to manhandle a cannon. ;; To handle roughly; as, the captive was manhandled.
Manhead : Manhood.
Manhes process : A process by which copper matte is treated by passing through it a blast of air, to oxidize and remove sulphur. It is analogous in apparatus to the Bessemer process for decarbonizing cast iron. So called from Pierre Manhes, a French metallurgist, who invented it.
Manhole : A hole through which a man may descend or creep into a drain, sewer, steam boiler, parts of machinery, etc., for cleaning or repairing.
Manhood : The state of being man as a human being, or man as distinguished from a child or a woman. ;; Manly quality; courage; bravery; resolution.
Mania : Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity. Cf. Delirium. ;; Excessive or unreasonable desire; insane passion affecting one or many people; as, the tulip mania.
Maniable : Manageable.
Maniac : Raving with madness; raging with disordered intellect; affected with mania; mad. ;; A raving lunatic; a madman.
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