Vocabulary : Maniacal to Manichord
Maniacal : Affected with, or characterized by, madness; maniac.
Manic : Of or pert. to, or characterized by, mania, or excitement.
Manicate : Covered with hairs or pubescence so platted together and interwoven as to form a mass easily removed.
Manichaean : Alt. of Manichee ;; Alt. of Manichean
Manichaeism : Alt. of Manicheism
Manichean : Alt. of Manichee ;; Of or pertaining to the Manichaeans.
Manichee : A believer in the doctrines of Manes, a Persian of the third century A. D., who taught a dualism in which Light is regarded as the source of Good, and Darkness as the source of Evil.
Manicheism : The doctrines taught, or system of principles maintained, by the Manichaeans.
Manicheist : Manichaean.
Manichord : Alt. of Manichordon
: Manichordon, Manicure, Manicured, Manicuring, Manid, Manie, Manifest, Manifestable, Manifestation, Manifested
: Mangy, Manhaden, Manhandle, Manhead, Manhes process, Manhole, Manhood, Mania, Maniable, Maniac
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary