Vocabulary : Manus to Many-sided
Manus : of Manus ;; The distal segment of the fore limb, including the carpus and fore foot or hand.
Manuscript : Written with or by the hand; not printed; as, a manuscript volume. ;; A literary or musical composition written with the hand, as distinguished from a printed copy. ;; Writing, as opposed to print; as, the book exists only in manuscript.
Manuscriptal : Manuscript.
Manutenency : Maintenance.
Manway : A small passageway, as in a mine, that a man may pass through.
Manx : Of or pertaining to the Isle of Man, or its inhabitants; as, the Manx language. ;; The language of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man, a dialect of the Celtic.
Many : A retinue of servants; a household. ;; Consisting of a great number; numerous; not few. ;; The populace; the common people; the majority of people, or of a community. ;; A large or considerable number.
Many-minded : Having many faculties; versatile; many-sided.
Manyplies : The third division, or that between the reticulum, or honeycomb stomach, and the abomasum, or rennet stomach, in the stomach of ruminants; the omasum; the psalterium. So called from the numerous folds in its mucous membrane. See Illust of Ruminant.
Many-sided : Having many sides; -- said of figures. Hence, presenting many questions or subjects for consideration; as, a many-sided topic. ;; Interested in, and having an aptitude for, many unlike pursuits or objects of attention; versatile.
: Manyways, Manywise, Manzanilla, Manzanita, Maoadam road, Maori, Maoris, Map, Mapach, Maple
: Manumotor, Manurable, Manurage, Manurance, Manure, Manured, Manurement, Manurer, Manurial, Manuring
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary