Vocabulary : Manyways to Maple
Manyways : Alt. of Manywise
Manywise : In many different ways; variously.
Manzanilla : A kind of small roundish olive with a small freestone pit, a fine skin, and a peculiar bitterish flavor. Manzanillas are commonly pitted and stuffed with Spanish pimientos.
Manzanita : A name given to several species of Arctostaphylos, but mostly to A. glauca and A. pungens, shrubs of California, Oregon, etc., with reddish smooth bark, ovate or oval coriaceous evergreen leaves, and bearing clusters of red berries, which are said to be a favorite food of the grizzly bear.
Maoadam road : A macadamized road.
Maori : One of the aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand; also, the original language of New Zealand. ;; Of or pertaining to the Maoris or to their language.
Maoris : of Maori
Map : A representation of the surface of the earth, or of some portion of it, showing the relative position of the parts represented; -- usually on a flat surface. Also, such a representation of the celestial sphere, or of some part of it. ;; Anything which represents graphically a succession of events, states, or acts; as, an historical map. ;; To represent by a map; -- often with out; as, to survey and map, or map out, a county. Hence, figuratively: To represent or indicate systematically and clearly; to sketch; to plan; as, to map, or map out, a journey; to map out business.
Mapach : The raccoon.
Maple : A tree of the genus Acer, including about fifty species. A. saccharinum is the rock maple, or sugar maple, from the sap of which sugar is made, in the United States, in great quantities, by evaporation; the red or swamp maple is A. rubrum; the silver maple, A. dasycarpum, having fruit wooly when young; the striped maple, A. Pennsylvanium, called also moosewood. The common maple of Europe is A. campestre, the sycamore maple is A. Pseudo-platanus, and the Norway maple is A. platanoides.
: Maplike, Mapped, Mappery, Mapping, Maqui, Mar, Mara, Marabou, Marabout, Maracan
: Manus, Manuscript, Manuscriptal, Manutenency, Manway, Manx, Many, Many-minded, Manyplies, Many-sided
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary