Vocabulary : Marchpane to Marconigram
Marchpane : A kind of sweet bread or biscuit; a cake of pounded almonds and sugar.
March-ward : A warden of the marches; a marcher.
Marcian : Under the influence of Mars; courageous; bold.
Marcid : Pining; lean; withered. ;; Characterized by emaciation, as a fever.
Marcidity : The state or quality of being withered or lean.
Marcionite : A follower of Marcion, a Gnostic of the second century, who adopted the Oriental notion of the two conflicting principles, and imagined that between them there existed a third power, neither wholly good nor evil, the Creator of the world and of man, and the God of the Jewish dispensation.
Marcobrunner : A celebrated Rhine wine.
Marconi : Designating, or pert. to, Marconi's system of wireless telegraphy; as, Marconi aerial, coherer, station, system, etc.
Marconi system : A system or wireless telegraphy developed by G. Marconi, an Italian physicist, in which Hertzian waves are used in transmission and a coherer is used as the receiving instrument.
Marconigram : A Marconi wireless message.
: Marconigraph, Marconi's law, Marconism, Marcor, Marcosian, Mardi gras, Mare, Mare clausum, Marechal Niel, Mareis
: Marcescent, Marcescible, March, Marched, Marcher, Marchet, Marching, Marchioness, March-mad, Marchman
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary