Vocabulary : Marconigraph to Mareis
Marconigraph : The apparatus used in Marconi wireless telegraphy.
Marconi's law : The law that the maximum good signaling distance varies directly as the square of the height of the transmitting antenna.
Marconism : The theory or practice of Marconi's wireless telegraph system.
Marcor : A wasting away of flesh; decay.
Marcosian : One of a Gnostic sect of the second century, so called from Marcus, an Egyptian, who was reputed to be a margician.
Mardi gras : The last day of Carnival; Shrove Tuesday; -- in some cities a great day of carnival and merrymaking.
Mare : The female of the horse and other equine quadrupeds. ;; Sighing, suffocative panting, intercepted utterance, with a sense of pressure across the chest, occurring during sleep; the incubus; -- obsolete, except in the compound nightmare.
Mare clausum : Lit., closed sea; hence, a body of water within the separate jurisdiction of the nation; -- opposed to open sea, the water open to all nations and over which no single nation has special control.
Marechal Niel : A kind of large yellow rose.
Mareis : A Marsh.
: Marena, Mareschal, Mare's-nest, Mare's-tail, Margarate, Margaric, Margarin, Margarine, Margarite, Margaritic
: Marchpane, March-ward, Marcian, Marcid, Marcidity, Marcionite, Marcobrunner, Marconi, Marconi system, Marconigram
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary