Vocabulary : Marena to Margaritic

Marena : A European whitefish of the genus Coregonus.
Mareschal : A military officer of high rank; a marshal.
Mare's-nest : A supposed discovery which turns out to be a hoax; something grosaly absurd.
Mare's-tail : A long streaky cloud, spreading out like a horse's tail, and believed to indicate rain; a cirrus cloud. See Cloud. ;; An aquatic plant of the genus Hippuris (H. vulgaris), having narrow leaves in whorls.
Margarate : A compound of the so-called margaric acid with a base.
Margaric : Pertaining to, or resembling, pearl; pearly.
Margarin : A fatty substance, extracted from animal fats and certain vegetable oils, formerly supposed to be a definite compound of glycerin and margaric acid, but now known to be simply a mixture or combination of tristearin and teipalmitin.
Margarine : Artificial butter; oleomargarine. ;; Margarin.
Margarite : A pearl. ;; A mineral related to the micas, but low in silica and yielding brittle folia with pearly luster.
Margaritic : Margaric.
Next : Margaritiferous, Margarodite, Margarone, Margarous, Margaryize, Margate fish, Margay, Marge, Margent, Margin
Previous : Marconigraph, Marconi's law, Marconism, Marcor, Marcosian, Mardi gras, Mare, Mare clausum, Marechal Niel, Mareis
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