Vocabulary : Markman to Marling
Markman : A marksman.
Marksman : One skillful to hit a mark with a missile; one who shoots well. ;; One who makes his mark, instead of writing his name, in signing documents.
Marksmanship : Skill of a marksman.
Marksmen : of Marksman
Marl : To cover, as part of a rope, with marline, marking a pecular hitch at each turn to prevent unwinding. ;; A mixed earthy substance, consisting of carbonate of lime, clay, and sand, in very varivble proportions, and accordingly designated as calcareous, clayey, or sandy. See Greensand. ;; To overspread or manure with marl; as, to marl a field.
Marlaceous : Resembling marl; partaking of the qualities of marl.
Marled : of Marl
Marlin : The American great marbled godwit (Limosa fedoa). Applied also to the red-breasted godwit (Limosa haematica).
Marline : A small line composed of two strands a little twisted, used for winding around ropes and cables, to prevent their being weakened by fretting. ;; To wind marline around; as, to marline a rope.
Marling : of Marl
: Marlite, Marlitic, Marlpit, Marlstone, Marly, Marmalade, Marmalet, Marmatite, Marmolite, Marmoraceous
: Marketable, Marketableness, Marketed, Marketer, Marketing, Marketstead, Markhoor, Marking, Markis, Markisesse
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary