Vocabulary : Marlite to Marmoraceous
Marlite : A variety of marl.
Marlitic : Partaking of the qualites of marlite.
Marlpit : Apit where marl is dug.
Marlstone : A sandy calcareous straum, containing, or impregnated with, iron, and lying between the upper and lower Lias of England.
Marly : Consisting or partaking of marl; resembling marl; abounding with marl.
Marmalade : A preserve or confection made of the pulp of fruit, as the quince, pear, apple, orange, etc., boiled with sugar, and brought to a jamlike consistence.
Marmalet : See Marmalade.
Marmatite : A ferruginous variety of shalerite or zinc blende, nearly black in color.
Marmolite : A thin, laminated variety of serpentine, usually of a pale green color.
Marmoraceous : Pertaining to, or like, marble.
: Marmorate, Marmorated, Marmoration, Marmoratum opus, Marmoreal, Marmorean, Marmorosis, Marmose, Marmoset, Marmot
: Markman, Marksman, Marksmanship, Marksmen, Marl, Marlaceous, Marled, Marlin, Marline, Marling
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary