Vocabulary : Mastodynia to Masula boat
Mastodynia : Alt. of Mastodyny
Mastodyny : Pain occuring in the mamma or female breast, -- a form of neuralgia.
Mastoid : Resembling the nipple or the breast; -- applied specifically to a process of the temporal bone behind the ear. ;; Pertaining to, or in the region of, the mastoid process; mastoidal.
Mastoidal : Same as Mastoid.
Mastoiditis : Inflammation in the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
Mastology : The natural history of Mammalia.
Mastress : Mistress.
Masturbation : Onanism; self-pollution.
Masty : Full of mast; abounding in acorns, etc.
Masula boat : Same as Masoola boat.
: Mat, Matabele, Matabeles, Matachin, Mataco, Matador, Matadore, Matagasse, Matajuelo, Matajuelo banco
: Mastigopoda, Mastigure, Masting, Mastitis, Mastives, Mastless, Mastlin, Mastodon, Mastodonsaurus, Mastodontic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary