Vocabulary : Mat to Matajuelo banco

Mat : A name given by coppersmiths to an alloy of copper, tin, iron, etc., usually called white metal. ;; Cast down; dejected; overthrown; slain. ;; A fabric of sedge, rushes, flags, husks, straw, hemp, or similar material, used for wiping and cleaning shoes at the door, for covering the floor of a hall or room, and for other purposes. ;; Any similar fabric for various uses, as for covering plant houses, putting beneath dishes or lamps on a table, securing rigging from friction, and the like. ;; Anything growing thickly, or closely interwoven, so as to resemble a mat in form or texture; as, a mat of weeds; a mat of hair. ;; An ornamental border made of paper, pasterboard, metal, etc., put under the glass which covers a framed picture; as, the mat of a daguerreotype. ;; To cover or lay with mats. ;; To twist, twine, or felt together; to interweave into, or like, a mat; to entangle. ;; To grow thick together; to become interwoven or felted together like a mat.
Matabele : Alt. of Matabeles
Matabeles : A warlike South African Kaffir tribe.
Matachin : An old dance with swords and bucklers; a sword dance.
Mataco : The three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutis tricinctus). See Illust. under Loricata.
Matador : The killer; the man appointed to kill the bull in bullfights. ;; In the game of quadrille or omber, the three principal trumps, the ace of spades being the first, the ace of clubs the third, and the second being the deuce of a black trump or the seven of a red one. ;; The jack of clubs, or any other trump held in sequence with it, whether by the player or by his adversaries. ;; A certain game of dominoes in which four dominoes (the 4-3, 5-2, 6-1, and double blank), called matadors, may be played at any time in any way.
Matadore : Alt. of Matador
Matagasse : A shrike or butcher bird; -- called also mattages.
Matajuelo : A large squirrel fish (Holocentrus ascensionis) of Florida and the West Indies.
Matajuelo banco : A West Indian food fish (Malacanthus plumieri) related to the tilefish.
Next : Matamata, Matanza, match, Match game, Match play, Matchable, Match-cloth, Match-coat, Matched, Matcher
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