Vocabulary : Mattering to Mattress
Mattering : of Matter
Matterless : Not being, or having, matter; as, matterless spirits. ;; Unimportant; immaterial.
Matter-of-fact : Adhering to facts; not turning aside from absolute realities; not fanciful or imaginative; commonplace; dry.
Mattery : Generating or containing pus; purulent. ;; Full of substance or matter; important.
Matting : of Mat ;; The act of interweaving or tangling together so as to make a mat; the process of becoming matted. ;; Mats, in general, or collectively; mat work; a matlike fabric, for use in covering floors, packing articles, and the like; a kind of carpeting made of straw, etc. ;; Materials for mats. ;; An ornamental border. See 3d Mat, 4. ;; A dull, lusterless surface in certain of the arts, as gilding, metal work, glassmaking, etc.
Mattock : An implement for digging and grubbing. The head has two long steel blades, one like an adz and the other like a narrow ax or the point of a pickax.
Mattoid : A person of congenitally abnormal mind bordering on insanity or degeneracy.
Mattoir : A kind of coarse punch with a rasplike face, used for making a rough surface on etching ground, or on the naked copper, the effect after biting being very similar to stippled lines.
Mattowacca : An American clupeoid fish (Clupea mediocris), similar to the shad in habits and appearance, but smaller and less esteemed for food; -- called also hickory shad, tailor shad, fall herring, and shad herring.
Mattress : A quilted bed; a bed stuffed with hair, moss, or other suitable material, and quilted or otherwise fastened. ;; A mass of interwoven brush, poles, etc., to protect a bank from being worn away by currents or waves.
: Maturant, Maturate, Maturated, Maturating, Maturation, Maturative, Mature, Matured, Maturely, Matureness
: Matronly, Matronymic, Matross, Matt, Mattages, Mattamore, Matte, Matted, Matter, Mattered
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary