Vocabulary : Maturant to Matureness
Maturant : A medicine, or application, which promotes suppuration.
Maturate : To bring to ripeness or maturity; to ripen. ;; To promote the perfect suppuration of (an abscess). ;; To ripen; to become mature; specif/cally, to suppurate.
Maturated : of Maturate
Maturating : of Maturate
Maturation : The process of bringing, or of coming, to maturity; hence, specifically, the process of suppurating perfectly; the formation of pus or matter.
Maturative : Conducing to ripeness or maturity; hence, conducing to suppuration. ;; A remedy promoting maturation; a maturant.
Mature : Brought by natural process to completeness of growth and development; fitted by growth and development for any function, action, or state, appropriate to its kind; full-grown; ripe. ;; Completely worked out; fully digested or prepared; ready for action; made ready for destined application or use; perfected; as, a mature plan. ;; Of or pertaining to a condition of full development; as, a man of mature years. ;; Come to, or in a state of, completed suppuration. ;; To bring or hasten to maturity; to promote ripeness in; to ripen; to complete; as, to mature one's plans. ;; To advance toward maturity; to become ripe; as, wine matures by age; the judgment matures by age and experience. ;; Hence, to become due, as a note.
Matured : of Mature
Maturely : In a mature manner; with ripeness; completely. ;; With caution; deliberately. ;; Early; soon.
Matureness : The state or quality of being mature; maturity.
: Maturer, Maturescent, Maturing, Maturity, Matutinal, Matutinary, Matutine, Matweed, Maty, Matzoth
: Mattering, Matterless, Matter-of-fact, Mattery, Matting, Mattock, Mattoid, Mattoir, Mattowacca, Mattress
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary