Vocabulary : Meconidium to Medalist

Meconidium : A kind of gonophore produced by hydroids of the genus Gonothyraea. It has tentacles, and otherwise resembles a free medusa, but remains attached by a pedicel.
Meconin : A substance regarded as an anhydride of meconinic acid, existing in opium and extracted as a white crystalline substance. Also erroneously called meconina, meconia, etc., as though it were an alkaloid.
Meconinic : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid which occurs in opium, and which may be obtained by oxidizing narcotine.
Meconium : Opium. ;; The contents of the fetal intestine; hence, first excrement.
Medal : A piece of metal in the form of a coin, struck with a device, and intended to preserve the remembrance of a notable event or an illustrious person, or to serve as a reward. ;; To honor or reward with a medal.
Medal play : Play in which the score is reckoned by counting the number of strokes.
Medaled : of Medal
Medalet : A small medal.
Medaling : of Medal
Medalist : A person that is skilled or curious in medals; a collector of medals. ;; A designer of medals. ;; One who has gained a medal as the reward of merit.
Next : Medalled, Medallic, Medalling, Medallion, Medalurgy, Meddle, Meddled, Meddler, Meddlesome, Meddling
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