Vocabulary : Medalled to Meddling

Medalled : of Medal
Medallic : Of or pertaining to a medal, or to medals.
Medalling : of Medal
Medallion : A large medal or memorial coin. ;; A circular or oval (or, sometimes, square) tablet bearing a figure or figures represented in relief.
Medalurgy : The art of making and striking medals and coins.
Meddle : To mix; to mingle. ;; To interest or engage one's self; to have to do; -- / a good sense. ;; To interest or engage one's self unnecessarily or impertinently, to interfere or busy one's self improperly with another's affairs; specifically, to handle or distrub another's property without permission; -- often followed by with or in. ;; To mix; to mingle.
Meddled : of Meddle
Meddler : One who meddles; one who interferes or busies himself with things in which he has no concern; an officious person; a busybody.
Meddlesome : Given to meddling; apt to interpose in the affairs of others; officiously intrusive.
Meddling : of Meddle ;; Meddlesome.
Next : Meddlingly, Mede, Media, Mediacy, Mediae, Mediaeval, Mediaevalism, Mediaevalist, Mediaevally, Mediaevals
Previous : Meconidium, Meconin, Meconinic, Meconium, Medal, Medal play, Medaled, Medalet, Medaling, Medalist
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