Vocabulary : Meddlingly to Mediaevals
Meddlingly : In a meddling manner.
Mede : A native or inhabitant of Media in Asia. ;; See lst & 2d Mead, and Meed.
Media : pl. of Medium. ;; One of the sonant mutes /, /, / (b, d, g), in Greek, or of their equivalents in other languages, so named as intermediate between the tenues, /, /, / (p, t, k), and the aspiratae (aspirates) /, /, / (ph or f, th, ch). Also called middle mute, or medial, and sometimes soft mute. ;; of Medium
Mediacy : The state or quality of being mediate.
Mediae : of Media
Mediaeval : Of or relating to the Middle Ages; as, mediaeval architecture.
Mediaevalism : The method or spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to the institutions and practices of the Middle Ages; a survival from the Middle Ages.
Mediaevalist : One who has a taste for, or is versed in, the history of the Middle Ages; one in sympathy with the spirit or forms of the Middle Ages.
Mediaevally : In the manner of the Middle Ages; in accordance with mediaevalism.
Mediaevals : The people who lived in the Middle Ages.
: Medial, Medialuna, Median, Mediant, Mediastinal, Mediastine, Mediastinum, Mediate, Mediated, Mediately
: Medalled, Medallic, Medalling, Medallion, Medalurgy, Meddle, Meddled, Meddler, Meddlesome, Meddling
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary