Vocabulary : Medii to Meditance

Medii : of Medius
Medina epoch : A subdivision of the Niagara period in the American upper Silurian, characterized by the formations known as the Oneida conglomerate, and the Medina sandstone. See the Chart of Geology.
Medino : Same as Para.
Mediocral : Mediocre.
Mediocre : Of a middle quality; of but a moderate or low degree of excellence; indifferent; ordinary. ;; A mediocre person. ;; A young monk who was excused from performing a portion of a monk's duties.
Mediocrist : A mediocre person.
Mediocrity : The quality of being mediocre; a middle state or degree; a moderate degree or rate. ;; Moderation; temperance.
Mediostapedial : Pertaining to that part of the columella of the ear which, in some animals, connects the stapes with the other parts of the columella. ;; The mediostapedial part of the columella.
Medioxumous : Intermediate.
Meditance : Meditation.
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