Vocabulary : Meditate to Medium
Meditate : To keep the mind in a state of contemplation; to dwell on anything in thought; to think seriously; to muse; to cogitate; to reflect. ;; To contemplate; to keep the mind fixed upon; to study. ;; To purpose; to intend; to design; to plan by revolving in the mind; as, to meditate a war.
Meditated : of Meditate
Meditating : of Meditate
Meditation : The act of meditating; close or continued thought; the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind; serious contemplation; reflection; musing. ;; Thought; -- without regard to kind.
Meditatist : One who is given to meditation.
Meditative : Disposed to meditate, or to meditation; as, a meditative man; a meditative mood.
Mediterranean : Inclosed, or nearly inclosed, with land; as, the Mediterranean Sea, between Europe and Africa. ;; Inland; remote from the ocean. ;; Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea; as, Mediterranean trade; a Mediterranean voyage.
Mediterranean fruit fly : A two-winged fly (Ceratitis capitata) with black and white markings, native of the Mediterranean countries, but now widely distributed. Its larva lives in ripening oranges, peaches, and other fruits, causing them to decay and fall.
Mediterraneous : Inland.
Medium : That which lies in the middle, or between other things; intervening body or quantity. Hence, specifically: (a) Middle place or degree; mean. ;; See Mean. ;; The mean or middle term of a syllogism; that by which the extremes are brought into connection. ;; A substance through which an effect is transmitted from one thing to another; as, air is the common medium of sound. Hence: The condition upon which any event or action occurs; necessary means of motion or action; that through or by which anything is accomplished, conveyed, or carried on; specifically, in animal magnetism, spiritualism, etc., a person through whom the action of another being is said to be manifested and transmitted. ;; An average. ;; A trade name for printing and writing paper of certain sizes. See Paper. ;; The liquid vehicle with which dry colors are ground and prepared for application. ;; Having a middle position or degree; mean; intermediate; medial; as, a horse of medium size; a decoction of medium strength.
: Mediums, Medium-sized, Medius, Medjidie, Medjidieh, Medlar, Medle, Medley, Medleys, Medly
: Medii, Medina epoch, Medino, Mediocral, Mediocre, Mediocrist, Mediocrity, Mediostapedial, Medioxumous, Meditance
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary