Vocabulary : Melanochroi to Melanotic
Melanochroi : A group of the human race, including the dark whites.
Melanochroic : Having a dark complexion; of or pertaining to the Melanochroi.
Melanochroite : A mineral of a red, or brownish or yellowish red color. It is a chromate of lead; -- called also phoenicocroite.
Melanocomous : Having very dark or black hair; black-haired.
Melanoma : A tumor containing dark pigment. ;; Development of dark-pigmented tumors.
Melanorrhoea : An East Indian genus of large trees. Melanorrh/a usitatissima is the lignum-vitae of Pegu, and yelds a valuable black varnish.
Melanoscope : An instrument containing a combination of colored glasses such that they transmit only red light, so that objects of other colors, as green leaves, appear black when seen through it. It is used for viewing colored flames, to detect the presence of potassium, lithium, etc., by the red light which they emit.
Melanosis : The morbid deposition of black matter, often of a malignant character, causing pigmented tumors.
Melanosperm : An alga of any kind that produces blackish spores, or seed dust. The melanosperms include the rockweeds and all kinds of kelp.
Melanotic : Melanistic.
: Melanotype, Melanterite, Melanure, Melanuric, Melaphyre, Melasma, Melasses, Melassic, Melastoma, Melastomaceous
: Melanconiales, Melanesian, Melange, Melanian, Melanic, Melaniline, Melanin, Melanism, Melanistic, Melanite
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary