Vocabulary : Melanotype to Melastomaceous
Melanotype : A positive picture produced with sensitized collodion on a smooth surface of black varnish, coating a thin plate of iron; also, the process of making such a picture.
Melanterite : A hydrous sulphate of iron of a green color and vitreous luster; iron vitriol.
Melanure : A small fish of the Mediterranean; a gilthead. See Gilthead (a).
Melanuric : Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid obtained by decomposition of melam, or of urea, as a white crystalline powder; -- called also melanurenic acid.
Melaphyre : Any one of several dark-colored augitic, eruptive rocks allied to basalt.
Melasma : A dark discoloration of the skin, usually local; as, Addison's melasma, or Addison's disease.
Melasses : See Molasses.
Melassic : Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from molasses or glucose, and probably identical with saccharic acid. See Saccharic.
Melastoma : A genus of evergreen tropical shrubs; -- so called from the black berries of some species, which stain the mouth.
Melastomaceous : Belonging to the order of which Melastoma is the type.
: Melchite, Meld, Melded, Melding, Meleagrine, Meleagris, Melee, Melena, Melene, Melenite
: Melanochroi, Melanochroic, Melanochroite, Melanocomous, Melanoma, Melanorrhoea, Melanoscope, Melanosis, Melanosperm, Melanotic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary