Vocabulary : Mesaticephalic to Mesembryanthemum
Mesaticephalic : Having the ratio of the length to the breadth of the cranium a medium one; neither brachycephalic nor dolichocephalic.
Mesaticephalous : Mesaticephalic.
Mescal : A distilled liquor prepared in Mexico from a species of agave. See Agave.
Mesdames : of Madam ;; of Madame ;; pl. of Madame and Madam.
Mesdemoiselles : of Mademoiselle
Meseemed : of Meseems
Meseems : It seems to me.
Mesel : A leper.
Meselry : Leprosy.
Mesembryanthemum : A genus of herbaceous or suffruticose plants, chiefly natives of South Africa. The leaves are opposite, thick, and f/eshy. The flowers usually open about midday, whence the name.
: Mesencephalic, Mesencephalon, Mesenchyma, Mesenteric, Mesenteron, Mesentery, Meseraic, Mesethmoid, Mesh, Meshed
: Mervaille, Mes-, Mesa, Mesaconate, Mesaconic, Mesad, Mesal, Mesalliance, Mesally, Mesaraic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary