Vocabulary : Mesencephalic to Meshed
Mesencephalic : Of or pertaining to the mesencephalon or midbrain.
Mesencephalon : The middle segment of the brain; the midbrain. Sometimes abbreviated to mesen. See Brain.
Mesenchyma : The part of the mesoblast which gives rise to the connective tissues and blood.
Mesenteric : Pertaining to a mesentery; mesaraic.
Mesenteron : All that part of the alimentary canal which is developed from the primitive enteron and is lined with hypoblast. It is distinguished from the stomod/um, a part at the anterior end of the canal, including the cavity of the mouth, and the proctod/um, a part at the posterior end, which are formed by invagination and are lined with epiblast.
Mesentery : The membranes, or one of the membranes (consisting of a fold of the peritoneum and inclosed tissues), which connect the intestines and their appendages with the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity. The mesentery proper is connected with the jejunum and ilium, the other mesenteries being called mesocaecum, mesocolon, mesorectum, etc. ;; One of the vertical muscular radiating partitions which divide the body cavity of Anthozoa into chambers.
Meseraic : Mesaraic.
Mesethmoid : Of or pertaining to the middle of the ethmoid region or ethmoid bone. ;; The median vertical plate, or median element, of the ethmoid bone.
Mesh : The opening or space inclosed by the threads of a net between knot and knot, or the threads inclosing such a space; network; a net. ;; The engagement of the teeth of wheels, or of a wheel and rack. ;; To catch in a mesh. ;; To engage with each other, as the teeth of wheels.
Meshed : of Mesh ;; Mashed; brewed.
: Meshing, Meshy, Mesiad, Mesial, Mesially, Mesityl, Mesitylenate, Mesitylene, Mesitylol, Meslin
: Mesaticephalic, Mesaticephalous, Mescal, Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, Meseemed, Meseems, Mesel, Meselry, Mesembryanthemum
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary