Vocabulary : Mesodermal to Mesolabe
Mesodermal : Pertaining to, or derived from, the mesoderm; as, mesodermal tissues.
Mesodermic : Same as Mesodermal.
Mesodont : Having teeth of moderate size.
Mesogaster : The fold of peritoneum connecting the stomach with the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity; the mesogastrium.
Mesogastric : Of or pertaining to the middle region of the abdomen, or of the stomach. ;; Of or pertaining to the mesogaster. ;; Of or pertaining to the middle gastric lobe of the carapace of a crab.
Mesogastrium : The umbilical region. ;; The mesogaster.
Mesognathous : Having the jaws slightly projecting; between prognathous and orthognathous. See Gnathic index, under Gnathic.
Mesohepar : A fold of the peritoneum connecting the liver with the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity.
Mesohippus : An extinct mammal of the Horse family, but not larger than a sheep, and having three toes on each foot.
Mesolabe : An instrument of the ancients for finding two mean proportionals between two given lines, required in solving the problem of the duplication of the cube.
: Mesole, Mesolite, Mesologarithm, Mesometrium, Mesomycetes, Mesomyodian, Mesomyodous, Meson, Mesonasal, Mesonephric
: Mesocephalic, Mesocephalon, Mesocephalous, Mesocoele, Mesocoelia, Mesocolon, Mesocoracoid, Mesocuneiform, Mesocuniform, Mesoderm
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary