Vocabulary : Mesole to Mesonephric

Mesole : Same as Thomsonite.
Mesolite : A zeolitic mineral, grayish white or yellowish, occuring in delicate groups of crystals, also fibrous massive. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina, lime, and soda.
Mesologarithm : A logarithm of the cosine or cotangent.
Mesometrium : The fold of the peritoneum supporting the oviduct.
Mesomycetes : One of the three classes into which the fungi are divided in Brefeld's classification.
Mesomyodian : A bird having a mesomyodous larynx.
Mesomyodous : Having the intrinsic muscles of the larynx attached to the middle of the semirings.
Meson : The mesial plane dividing the body of an animal into similar right and left halves. The line in which it meets the dorsal surface has been called the dorsimeson, and the corresponding ventral edge the ventrimeson.
Mesonasal : Of or pertaining to the middle portion of the nasal region.
Mesonephric : Of or pertaining to the mesonephros; as, the mesonephric, or Wolffian, duct.
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