Vocabulary : Mesonephros to Mesopterygium
Mesonephros : The middle one of the three pairs of embryonic renal organs developed in most vertebrates; the Wolffian body.
Mesonotum : The dorsal portion of the mesothorax of insects.
Mesophryon : See Glabella.
Mesophyllum : The parenchyma of a leaf between the skin of the two surfaces.
Mesoplast : The nucleus of a cell; mesoblast.
Mesopodial : Of or pertaining to the mesopodialia or to the parts of the limbs to which they belong.
Mesopodiale : One of the bones of either the carpus or tarsus.
Mesopodialia : of Mesopodiale
Mesopodium : The middle portion of the foot in the Gastropoda and Pteropoda.
Mesopterygium : The middle one of the three principal basal cartilages in the fins of fishes.
: Mesorchium, Mesorectum, Mesorhine, Mesosauria, Mesoscapula, Mesoscapular, Mesoscutum, Mesoseme, Mesosiderite, Mesosperm
: Mesole, Mesolite, Mesologarithm, Mesometrium, Mesomycetes, Mesomyodian, Mesomyodous, Meson, Mesonasal, Mesonephric
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary