Vocabulary : Metachrosis to Metagenetic
Metachrosis : The power og changing color at will by the expansion of special pigment cells, under nerve influence, as seen in many reptiles, fishes, etc.
Metacinnabarite : Sulphide of mercury in isometric form and black in color.
Metacism : A defect in pronouncing the letter m, or a too frequent use of it.
Metacrolein : A polymeric modification of acrolein obtained by heating it with caustic potash. It is a crystalline substance having an aromatic odor.
Metacromion : A process projecting backward and downward from the acromion of the scapula of some mammals.
Metadiscoidal : Discoidal by derivation; -- applied especially to the placenta of man and apes, because it is supposed to have been derived from a diffused placenta.
Metagastric : Of or pertaining to the two posterior gastric lobes of the carapace of crabs.
Metage : Measurement, especially of coal. ;; Charge for, or price of, measuring.
Metagenesis : The change of form which one animal species undergoes in a series of successively produced individuals, extending from the one developed from the ovum to the final perfected individual. Hence, metagenesis involves the production of sexual individuals by nonsexual means, either directly or through intervening sexless generations. Opposed to monogenesis. See Alternate generation, under Generation. ;; Alternation of sexual and asexual or gemmiparous generations; -- in distinction from heterogamy.
Metagenetic : Of or pertaining to metagenesis.
: Metagenic, Metagnathous, Metagrammatism, Metagraphic, Metagraphy, Metal, Metalammonium, Metalbumin, Metaldehyde, Metaled
: Metabolism, Metabolite, Metabolize, Metabranchial, Metacarpal, Metacarpus, Metacenter, Metacetone, Metachloral, Metachronism
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary