Vocabulary : Metagenic to Metaled

Metagenic : Metagenetic.
Metagnathous : Cross-billed; -- said of certain birds, as the crossbill.
Metagrammatism : Anagrammatism.
Metagraphic : By or pertaining to metagraphy.
Metagraphy : The art or act of rendering the letters of the alphabet of one language into the possible equivalents of another; transliteration.
Metal : An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted with the nonmetals, or metalloids. No sharp line can be drawn between the metals and nonmetals, and certain elements partake of both acid and basic qualities, as chromium, manganese, bismuth, etc. ;; Ore from which a metal is derived; -- so called by miners. ;; A mine from which ores are taken. ;; The substance of which anything is made; material; hence, constitutional disposition; character; temper. ;; Courage; spirit; mettle. See Mettle. ;; The broken stone used in macadamizing roads and ballasting railroads. ;; The effective power or caliber of guns carried by a vessel of war. ;; Glass in a state of fusion. ;; The rails of a railroad. ;; To cover with metal; as, to metal a ship's bottom; to metal a road.
Metalammonium : A hypothetical radical derived from ammonium by the substitution of metallic atoms in place of hydrogen.
Metalbumin : A form of albumin found in ascitic and certain serous fluids. It is sometimes regarded as a mixture of albumin and mucin.
Metaldehyde : A white crystalline substance isomeric with, and obtained from, acetic aldehyde by polymerization, and reconvertible into the same.
Metaled : of Metal
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