Vocabulary : Mete to Metempsychosed
Mete : Meat. ;; To meet. ;; To dream; also impersonally; as, me mette, I dreamed. ;; To find the quantity, dimensions, or capacity of, by any rule or standard; to measure. ;; To measure. ;; Measure; limit; boundary; -- used chiefly in the plural, and in the phrase metes and bounds.
Metecorn : A quantity of corn formerly given by the lord to his customary tenants, as an encouragement to, or reward for, labor and faithful service.
Meted : of Mete
Metely : According to measure or proportion; proportionable; proportionate.
Metempiric : Alt. of Metempirical
Metempirical : Related, or belonging, to the objects of knowledge within the province of metempirics.
Metempiricism : The science that is concerned with metempirics.
Metempirics : The concepts and relations which are conceived as beyond, and yet as related to, the knowledge gained by experience.
Metempsychose : To translate or transfer, as the soul, from one body to another.
Metempsychosed : of Metempsychose
: Metempsychosing, Metempsychosis, Metemptosis, Metencephalon, Metensomatosis, Meteor, Meteoric, Meteorical, Meteorism, Meteorite
: Metavanadate, Metavanadic, Metaxylene, Metayage, Metayer, Metazoa, Metazoan, Metazoans, Metazoic, Metazoon
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary