Vocabulary : Metempsychosing to Meteorite
Metempsychosing : of Metempsychose
Metempsychosis : The passage of the soul, as an immortal essence, at the death of the animal body it had inhabited, into another living body, whether of a brute or a human being; transmigration of souls.
Metemptosis : The suppression of a day in the calendar to prevent the date of the new moon being set a day too late, or the suppression of the bissextile day once in 134 years. The opposite to this is the proemptosis, or the addition of a day every 330 years, and another every 2,400 years.
Metencephalon : The posterior part of the brain, including the medulla; the afterbrain. Sometimes abbreviated to meten.
Metensomatosis : The assimilation by one body or organism of the elements of another.
Meteor : Any phenomenon or appearance in the atmosphere, as clouds, rain, hail, snow, etc. ;; Specif.: A transient luminous body or appearance seen in the atmosphere, or in a more elevated region.
Meteoric : Of or pertaining to a meteor, or to meteors; atmospheric, as, meteoric phenomena; meteoric stones. ;; Influenced by the weather; as, meteoric conditions. ;; Flashing; brilliant; transient; like a meteor; as, meteoric fame.
Meteorical : Meteoric.
Meteorism : Flatulent distention of the abdomen; tympanites.
Meteorite : A mass of stone or iron which has fallen to the earth from space; an aerolite.
: Meteorize, Meteorograph, Meteorographic, Meteorography, Meteoroid, Meteoroidal, Meteoroligic, Meteorolite, Meteorological, Meteorologist
: Mete, Metecorn, Meted, Metely, Metempiric, Metempirical, Metempiricism, Metempirics, Metempsychose, Metempsychosed
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