Vocabulary : Methyl to Meticulous
Methyl : A hydrocarbon radical, CH3, not existing alone but regarded as an essential residue of methane, and appearing as a component part of many derivatives; as, methyl alcohol, methyl ether, methyl amine, etc.
Methylal : A light, volatile liquid, H2C(OCH3)2, regarded as a complex ether, and having a pleasant ethereal odor. It is obtained by the partial oxidation of methyl alcohol. Called also formal.
Methylamine : See Methyl amine, under Methyl.
Methylate : An alcoholate of methyl alcohol in which the hydroxyl hydrogen is replaced by a metal, after the analogy of a hydrate; as, sodium methylate, CH3ONa. ;; To impregnate or mix with methyl or methyl alcohol.
Methylated : Impregnated with, or containing, methyl alcohol or wood spirit; as, methylated spirits.
Methylene : A hydrocarbon radical, CH2, not known in the free state, but regarded as an essential residue and component of certain derivatives of methane; as, methylene bromide, CH2Br2; -- formerly called also methene.
Methylic : Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, methyl; specifically, designating methyl alcohol. See under Methyl.
Methysticin : A white, silky, crystalline substance extracted from the thick rootstock of a species of pepper (Piper methysticum) of the South Sea Islands; -- called also kanakin.
Metic : A sojourner; an immigrant; an alien resident in a Grecian city, but not a citizen.
Meticulous : Timid; fearful.
: Metier, Metif, Meting, Metis, Metisse, Metive, Metoche, Metol, Metonic, Metonymic
: Methodization, Methodize, Methodized, Methodizer, Methodizing, Methodological, Methodology, Methol, Methought, Methoxyl
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary